terça-feira, 6 de dezembro de 2011
Heart Of The Swarm
Almost a year after launching the game "Starcraft II: Wings of Liberty," the producer Blizzard introduced the first of two expansions of the title of real-time strategy. "Heart of the Swarm" campaign focuses on the Zerg race, bringing 20 new missions, new units and refining the way of fighting the Internet.
There are no confirmed date for the arrival of the expansion, which is scheduled to be released 2012. The demonstration shown in the title event at company headquarters in the United States had only two missions in campaign mode for one player. However, it was possible to see the changes the new game. To play the expansion, the player must have the Starcraft II game installed on your computer.
The Zerg are aliens who travel the galaxy looking for genetic perfection by assimilating advanced beings to evolve. Having control of them is different than controlling the Terrans of "Wings of Liberty." The missions require more units to be created to confront opponents with greater balance and to create the buildings, you end up losing a building units. These details, although they seem small, make the difference for players accustomed to playing with Terran or Protoss. The expansion is also an opportunity to see how the zerg hive and how you can evolve during the game beings.
The Zerg race is not the favorite of players grade of "Starcraft II". But the game's producer, Chris Sigaty, there is concern about a possible resistance of the players to purchase the expansion. "We know that many do not like the zerg, but we are working to improve the layout of the game, bringing new units, presenting an interesting development system, among other factors, which will certainly please fans of other races"
The return of the Queen of Blades
After the events of "Wings of Liberty," the Queen of Blades, Kerrigan, ceased to have an alien look and became more human again. Even having no memories of what happened and who killed thousands of people, she wants to regain control of the zerg.
Video shows fighting on the side of the game 'Heart of the Swarm'
Blizzard does not reveal why, but makes it clear that his mission will not be easy. In addition to Terrans and Protoss traveling across the galaxy to end his life, Kerrigan must fight against other Zerg for control of aliens. If this mission fails, she will die.
Because of this, Kerrigan becomes a unit within the game, allowing the player to utilize their unique abilities against opponents. Before each mission, a new menu, the equivalent of the ship Hyperion "Wings of Liberty," allows the player to access the special powers of heroin, and we can choose which one to use. On each planet it landed, the look of this menu is changed.
In the demonstration two of six possible skills were available: Spec Ops and Corruption. The first brings elements of evasion, while the other allows you to eliminate enemies quickly with an acid Zerg, for example. The player uses the points gained in battle to develop these skills and unlock new elements, important in the fighting. The choice of skills Kerrigan influence on how the gamer must deal with in combat.
Kerrigan becomes such an important element in "Heart of the Swarm" that the producers chose not to let her die. When this occurs, you need to recreate it, which takes a few minutes. But she soon returns to the battlefield. "We want to show that Kerrigan is a hero, to show that she is a powerful," Sigaty said during a presentation of the game.
In the new menu before the missions, and develop skills Kerrigan, the player has two other beings that help the character. Abath plays the role of genetic engineer, showing which units can evolve using the DNA element found on the battlefield by eliminating certain opponents. He explains that every decision will cause the unit and shows like a model will be modified after
Blizzard states that worked on the look of the characters so you can see the changes in the evolution of each game map. Because of this, the Roaches, for example, may have a greater resistance to the blows, present stronger attacks and have a power of regeneration faster. When they evolve, they change completely in form and gain better skills. Even as an example, the Roaches can either get around or under the earth to regenerate while they are underground. The choice of evolution is the player.
Already Izsha Kerrigan is a counselor, explaining details of the missions and the history of the game. She says that is what is left of the Queen of Blades and keeps the memory of heroin when he was in his alien form.
Blizzard states that worked to improve the graphics of "Starcraft II" in "Heart of the Swarm," making present Kerrigan details. There are also improvements in appearance and behavior of goo zerg and visual scenarios. However, the company said it will maintain the same minimum PC and Mac "Wings of Liberty" to play the expansion.
The structure of missions "Wings of Liberty," which is to bring the player to make planets and goals, as well as telling of the story, go beyond simply building bases and destroy the enemy was kept. So, wait for goals in single player mode that will test the skills to command an army.
The first planet that the G1 was tested Charm. There must face Za'gara Kerrigan, who wants to take her place as Queen of Blades. The goal is, while creating troops Zerg units with Zerglings and Roaches, get 100 eggs from the colony before the opponent. The degree is a class for players who find it difficult to create and separate troops, leaving some to take care of the base and others to exit, grapple with enemies and collect the eggs.
By collecting the eggs, the player can control Baneling a new unit, which conducts suicide explosives attacks. Za'gara is also collecting the eggs and it is possible to eliminate it during this process, but, like Kerrigan, she will be regenerated in a few minutes. However, at this time, your troops are weak and it is the right time to attack and try to collect all the eggs.
Destroying the Rebel base zerg, ends up saving Za'gara Kerrigan, who believes that human being is worthy to carry the Queen of Blades.
The second mission takes place on the ice planet Kaldi. Kerrigan and a small troop of Roaches must walk the planet after another zerg commander who wants to become the Queen of Blades. An ice storm, however, freezes the troops for a few seconds, long enough for the enemies of the planet as yetis. Eliminating these monsters, you can collect your DNA for Abath can cause the Zerg withstand the low temperatures.
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